Pregnancy and oral health prevention

Pregnancy is a time of change in every respect. The changes in lifestyle and hormonal upheaval can also have an impact on your oral health.
It is more important than ever to pay close attention to your oral health, and to consult with us quickly if you experience any discomfort.

How is my mouth going to change during my pregnancy?

Pregnancy hormones can exacerbate the gum’s reaction in presence of plaque. This in turn increases the risk of developing gingivitis (inflammation of the gum), characterised red swollen gums, spontaneous or minor bleeds during brushing.

It is also possible to see appear an “epulis” which is a small lump form the gum which develops between two teeth. It is benign and is usually reabsorbed spontaneously post-delivery. Nevertheless, if it was to become too large or causes inconvenience when eating, do not hesitate to contact your dental surgeon.

You are experiencing oral discomforts?


What risks for my teeth?

Certain pregnancy issues can have an impact on the health of your teeth.

During your pregnancy, you may be subject to nausea and vomiting, usually during the first trimester, then acid reflux (when baby gets bigger and presses on your stomach). The acid that your teeth are swimming will weaken them, as it will dissolve the surface, they may become more sensitive to hot and cold.

If vomiting and/or acid reflux are very frequent, dental erosion can appear (irreversible thinning of the enamel).

It is not uncommon to modify your eating habits during pregnancy, either because nausea hinders you from eating in large quantities, which forces you to eat small frequent meals all throughout the day or because you have overriding cravings.

Grazing is dangerous for your teeth especially if the food is sweet or acid. You are more at risk of tooth decay and or cavities.

Nausea can stop you from being able to brush your teeth correctly (especially towards the molars, because even by giving it your best, your toothbrush causes you to heave!).

Plaque is not completely eliminated which increases the risk of gingivitis and cavities. This inflammation of the gum makes brushing painful.

During pregnancy you may notice that you have a lot more saliva than usual. Although this hypersalivation can be rather embarrassing, it is harmless. No treatment is necessary: this situation will resolve itself once your baby is born.

Studies have shown that periodontal disease has been linked to premature birth. Therefore, ideally it is best to get tested and treat the periodontitis prior to getting pregnant. If the diagnosis is made during the pregnancy, a close check will be offered by your gynecologist.

You are experiencing some of the mentioned symptoms?